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International Chemistry
Conference and its role
in Science-IV

Theme: Chemistry as Central Science in Sustainable Development

Welcome and join us at "International Decade of Sciences for
Sustainable Development (IDSSD 2024-2033)


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From 17 April 2025 - 19 April 2025

  • 36Days
  • 21Hours
  • 49Minutes
  • 15Seconds

Virtual Conference for International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD 2024-2033)" in Partnership With UNESCO and EHC through ICCRS- IV

Message of Organizers

Patron in chief

Vice Chancellor

University of Karachi


Prof. Dr. Rafia Azmat

Department of Chemistry University of Karachi

Organizing Secretary

Dr. Tehseen Ahmed

Department of Chemistry. University of Karachi.

Conference manager

Dr. Ailyan Saleem

Department of Chemistry. University of Karachi.

Prof. Dr. Rafia Azmat

Chief Organizer

I am pleased to invite the global scientific community to strengthen Human Earth Coalitions (EHC) at the ICCRS-IV edition, organized under the provision of IUPAC, UNESCO, and EHC. The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2024-2033 as the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) and this declaration of the International Decade of Sustainable Development (2024-2033) is a vital outcome of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSS 2022-2023) that put decade is under the aegis of UNESCO, building on the success of events of ICCRS like IYC -2011, IYPT-2019, and IYBSSD-2022. Now, ICCRS-IV provides a forum for interaction and exposure to complex challenges. Implementing sustainable development in all dimensions requires a more effective and inclusive approach based on synergistic cooperation across all scientific fields, basic and applied sciences, social and human sciences, and traditional knowledge. This collaboration will enable the development of technology, innovation, and education. The coalition aims for the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD 2024-2033) are as follows.

  • CO-CREATE a global network of thousands of transdisciplinary centers active at local, national and global levels to address the existential challenges facing humanity in the 21st century.
  • SUPPORT the emergence of a new culture of well-being based on cutting-edge science and traditional and local wisdom.

PROMOTE the reframing of funding agendas and instruments so that they reflect and facilitate the new, integrative role of science.

It was a pleasure to count you among our IYBSSD-2022 subscribers, and we would like the same for “The Earth-Humanity Coalition.”

ICCRS-IV trusts that every scientist and citizen should get involved in IDSSD (2024-2033) and join the ICCRS-IV platform to support IDSSD (2024-2033).

Primarily, ICCRS-IV will focus on the aims and objectives of EHC in creating and networking among thousands of transdisciplinary hubs worldwide at local, national, regional, and global levels to implement the IDSSD (2024-2033) goals in permanent coordination and synergy with UNESCO and a constellation of other partners.

I hope every citizen of the Planet is driven to transform how science and knowledge operate to participate in sustainable development. The Earth-Humanity Coalition (EHC) is the tool that will enable these transformations for a better life for everybody on a healthy planet. 

Dr. Tehseen Ahmed

Organizing Secretory

The University of Karachi is aligning itself with the UNESCO-backed International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) 2024-2033. In support of this initiative, the Department of Chemistry is organizing a series of conferences and workshops to promote sustainability in the sciences. As a first step, the department is hosting the ICCRS IV (International Conference of Chemistry and its Role in Sciences) Conference.

Professor Dr. Aijaz Ahmed Soomro

Department of Agronomy,
Faculty of Crop Production, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam.

It is my immense pleasure to share that we have been conducting well documented research for improving the health of the soil through plantation of soil and environmental friendly crops by tasting innovative technologies such as irrigation water saving technologies, allelopathy for weed management, use of optimum doses of synthetic and natural bio fertilizers, reduction in pesticide application, introduction of rhizobium bacteria and adding of remainings of crops (stubbles) in soil.
It is our prime duty to save our earth 🌎 for future generations as a precious gift for them from our side. 

Dr. Waseem Ahmed (University of Haripur, KPK)

We are pleased to invite you to join the Earth-Humanity Coalition (EHC) at the ICCRS-IV edition platform to stand with the agenda of 2024-2033 as the International Decade of Sciences for Sustainable Development (IDSSD).

ICCRS-IV aims to provide a robust platform for addressing complex global challenges through collaboration across all scientific disciplines, including basic and applied sciences, social sciences, and traditional knowledge. Our coalition seeks to leverage this collaboration to  enhance technology, innovation, and education to achieve the Objectives of the Earth-Humanity Coalition. We sincerely appreciate your involvement as a subscriber during IYBSSD 2022, and we hope to count you among us again as we advance the goals of the Earth-Humanity Coalition.


This conference runs through all 3 days in 2nd week of April 2025.
We also provide free lunch and coffee break in each day.

View Full Program


9:00 – 5:00       KARACHI         ———-





KU Circular Rd, Karachi, Karachi City, Sindh

+92 333 2280671



  • One Day Access
  • Coffee Break
  • Lunch
  • Document Sheets
  • 50USD Voucher For Next Event


580 USD
  • One Day Access
  • Coffee Break
  • Lunch
  • Document Sheets
  • 50USD Voucher For Next Event
